
Sensual Pleasure in Motherhood

Pleasure in Bloom is a series of 5 rituals designed to help you blossom into pleasure & bliss, embody your expression in the world, and own your innate power.

Helping women find sensual pleasure in Motherhood.

We are taught that sensuality and motherhood don’t often coexist. Motherhood is a heroine’s journey, often unexpectedly leading us to the underworld. As mothers, we can get stuck in our “nurturing" and “worrying" energy, and lose sight of the flowing, receptive, trusting energy that is required to access pleasure in a feminine body.



But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Pleasure in Bloom is a safe and sacred container for you to rediscover your sensual power and tap into your own source of internal pleasure.

Over 5 days, I will be by your side as we:

◊ Use proven somatic-based practices to awaken your body, connect with your soul’s truth, and tap into your inner source of POWER.

◊ Expand your pleasure and your breath to magically manifest your deepest desires.

◊ Tap into the innate wisdom of your body, emotions, sensations, mind, energy and spirit to radically transform the way you show up for yourself.

◊ Embark on guided rituals to bloom into a version of yourself who creates the deeply pleasurable experiences and life that you know are possible.

◊ Break the addiction we seem to have collectively, to always seeing ourselves as falling short.

◊ Get clear on the small digestible steps of your unique path toward your fullest sensual expression.

Alchemize past pains and current roadblocks in powerful ritual processes that take you deep within and beyond your everyday reality. 

◊ Curate a sense of safety within yourself so you can blossom more fully into the pleasure you’d like to experience in everyday life.

Bloom to reveal your own inner nectar, the delicious sweetness of life, and the blissful parts of motherhood that we seem to have lost access to.

5 Expansive Daily Rituals

  • Day 1:


    Unearth your juiciest, most tantalizing desire and set the stage for your transformative journey to more pleasure, power, and bliss.

  • Day 2:


    Awaken your senses and learn exactly how to overcome the roadblocks keeping you from your highest, most radiant expression.

  • Day 3:


    Tap into your inner wellspring of wisdom, to feel more confidence in your self and to open yourself to more pleasure, radiance, and eros.

  • Day 4:


    Empower yourself to feel worthy of your most expansive royal expression and any specific desires you can dream up.

  • Day 5:


    Discover your magic ability to co-create with the Universe to manifest new levels of power, pleasure, and sensuality into being.

Hello Dear One,

I am SO glad you’re here in this little corner of the internet, that our paths are crossing, and that you’re seeking greater expansion, pleasure, bliss, and internal POWER!

Yesssss, HONEY!

I know from personal experience that the ceremony of Motherhood can be the most heart-achingly chaotic and confusing experience of life.

Early in my motherhood journey, I didn’t know where to turn in order to feel AMAZING again, to feel connection with my desires and my voice, to feel my own power and pleasure coursing through my veins again.

I’ve created Pleasure In Bloom in order to help you help yourself through an initiation that will empower you, root you so deeply into your worthiness of your true desires, and reconnect you to that cosmic life-force energy known as PLEASURE.. in motherhood.

For my whole adult life, I’ve studied human psychology, women’s empowerment, somatic embodiment, expansive relational dynamics, tantra, sacred sexuality, and mysticism with some of the highest-level teachers in my lineages.

It’s truly an honor to blend the science and the mystery, and weave collaboratively with women who desire to discover and illuminate their own unique pathways to sensual expression, expansive sexuality, personal power, nervous system regulation, embodiment, and spiritual evolution.

Whether you join me in this free program or not, thank you for exploring your Truth, choosing your expansion and pleasure, and endeavoring to bring your bright light into this world more clearly.

We need you here, exactly as you are, sister. I love you!

Ready to embody the sensual mother-goddess you know you truly are?

Join Pleasure In Bloom for free!