The Erotic


A monthly online temple practice space + group coaching membership for women ready to break free of their contraction in motherhood and e x p a n d into a more ecstatic and radiant relationship with their pleasure, while in a supportive community of spiritually aligned sisters

This love and the desire to connect with it and live by it is deep within you…

It runs through your blood and informs your every thought, your every move, whether or not you’re always conscious of it …

You are loved by the One Greatest Love of the Universe

This power, this guidance, this love, has directed you here…

Because some part of you knows, deep in your bones

You’re READY

Dear Sweet Sister,

If you know you’re ready to break free from repeating cycles of overwhelm, confusion, loneliness, and numbness in your sensual expression in motherhood…

I’m beyond ecstatic to invite you to join us in this deliciously sacred and empowering community of mothers who are ready to reconnect with their sensuality, their power, and their pleasure!

I look forward to lovingly welcoming you into The Erotic Mother, where your unique blend of honey + MAGIC will add so much to this experience for all of us.

Join the community

if you want to…

go from feeling overwhelmed by the demands of daily life, with little time or energy for nurturing yourself…

go from disconnection and distance from your true self and expression + craving deeper intimacy in life…

go from confusion about how to seamlessly blend your spirituality, sensuality, and motherhood in a way that feels aligned…

… to living a life that is a sanctuary of deep self-connection, passion, pleasure, and fulfillment.

… to mind-bendingly satisfying intimate connection with your self, your partner, and — from your heart and womb space — your sisters.

… to juicy radiant aliveness oozing from your every cell, magnetizing you to your spiritual path + awakening your true essence.

… Welcome Home, Sister …

Are you ready for all this…?

Monthly Temple Nights

Each month, we gather together in a sacred practice call where we dive deep into rituals, breathwork, somatic practices, and self-pleasure practices designed to bring you back into your body, into your sensuality, and into your power.

Community Group Coaching Sessions

Receive transmission, guidance, support, and empowerment from Ashley and from the incredible women in our community. These monthly calls are your time to share, to be seen, and to be held in a safe, loving space as you learn & navigate your expansion.

Weekly Homeplay Practices

Designed to help you develop your own devotional practices at home, bringing the embodiment of pleasure into your everyday life. From meditations to sensual movement to self-love rituals, these practices will help you stay connected to your radiance.

Sisterhood Community Chat

A uniquely intimate & safe space to connect with other mothers who are on this journey with you. Share your experiences, ask for support, celebrate your wins, and find sisterhood with women who understand and celebrate your journey.

Your membership also includes

Access to all past recordings and the growing library of additional materials added to the membership area.

First-to-know about new programs, openings for 1:1 work, plus exclusive erotic content in Erotic Mother newsletters.

Discounts on 1:1 and small group work with Ashley.

Receive step-by-step guidance and get all of your questions answered by Ashley, a professional somatic sensuality mentor.

Here’s a truth I’ll invite you to consider, amiga

Powerful Magic IS There Inside You

The great cosmic joke is that we are ALL expansive, magnificent, beautiful, spiritually connected, ecstatic beings… We just have to learn how to tune into that part of ourselves, uncover it, and then gather tools to access it consistently.

AND… You’re Not Broken + It’s NOT Too Late For You

If we always think we’re broken, like there’s another area to fix, hack, or up-level, life becomes an endless loop of healing where we never reach our goals.

Your body is a sacred temple.

Your radiance + pleasure are devotional gifts to the Universe.


waking up every day excited to meet the demands of motherhood and partnership, gushing with activated pleasure for yourself, your partner, for the daily minutiae of your family and work life…

Because you have such an embodied connection to life force, to Spirit, to Eros


an intentional sacred space where your deepest desires are honored, where your sensuality is celebrated, and where your journey back to your erotic self is supported every step of the way, held in a frequency of deep loving unconditional acceptance and sisterhood...

This is The Erotic Mother

A sacred, sexy, safe, and shame-free online temple space for mothers who are ready to reclaim their sensual power.

Inside The Erotic Mother community, you will experience transformation, healing, liberation, expansion, and sweet, sweet pleasure.

You will rediscover your sensual power and tap into your own source of internal radiance.

The Erotic Mother Community is for you if…

∞ You’re a mother who has lost touch with your sensuality and you are ready to reclaim it.

∞ You feel disconnected from Eros — the unconditionally loving & turned on Source energy of the Universe — and crave a deeper connection to your own body and pleasure.

∞ You want to explore your sensuality and sexuality in a safe, grounded, and supportive community of other women who’ve also been through motherhood and are seeking that aliveness, just like YOU.

∞ You are finally ready to say YES to yourself, to your pleasure, your radiance, and to your power, and to bring that gift into your family’s field.

∞ You would be uplifted in a sisterhood that celebrates and supports your journey, every. step. of. the. way.

More about Ashley

Hello, soul sister! I wanted to share a bit about my story with the hope that it may just inspire you to dive into your own experience, whether you decide to join us in The Erotic Mother or not.

I know the idea of expanding into pleasure can feel daunting. I want to let you know that I began this journey of mine, feeling that same thing.

Starting from a childhood of witnessing terrible childhood sexual abuse in my family and also experiencing emotional abuse, to my first true love cheating on me and breaking/closing my heart, to self harm, to a traumatic first birth experience where I sustained a disfiguring amount of lacerations inside, on, and around my yoni, which all led to terrible pain, numbness, distance during sex and separation from my body…

I know that there are many (endless) ways the world can separate us from our power, our pleasure, and our ability to experience a life of joy and satisfaction.

I’m happy to say that if after all that, I could heal and come to a place of true liberation, connection to Eros, a knowing of the safety of my body, + ecstatic living… so can YOU!

I would never minimize or dismiss mine or anyone’s experience, and I don’t wish pain or trauma onto anyone, ever…

AND I do know that we get to — if we choose to do so — take all of that pain, trauma, and separation from Eros — and create gold out of it.

We use the pain to expand into more aligned versions of ourselves than we ever would have been able to otherwise.

The beautiful part of life with the internet, too, is that now we get to do this alchemy while walking hand-in-hand with sisters from all over the world…

Walking each other home :)

So, I hope by sharing all of this, you can feel, if you want to, that you’re not too far gone, hope is not lost for you, and that healing, radiance, pleasure, and experiencing deep oneness with your body and with Source is extremely possible for YOU.

Whether you join us in community or not, please know that YOU matter, your story matters, your joy matters, and you are truly magnificent in your perfect imperfection.

I love you!

Client Experiences:

I am beyond grateful for my time with Ashley. She held such loving and empowering space as I navigated rocky terrain healing sexual wounding from the past. Her capacity to hold me was one of the reasons I was able to go as deep as I did in my journey and I am forever thankful for that. I would highly recommend Ashley as a guide for deepening one’s relationship to self, sexuality, and healing. I am better for my time with her.

Callie M. Bishop

Ashley created a deep sense of safety for me to move through a profound healing process. As a space holder, she has pure loving presence. She’s a good listener, has attuned touch, radiates warmth and integrity, and shared words of affirmation that my soul needed to hear. With her support, I released layers of grief and rage in a truly embodied way, as well as experienced more joy, bliss, and pleasure in my body. I highly recommend her work. Thank you, Ashley!


Ashley holds the most beautiful space for deep transformational work. Knowing and feeling her previous life as a midwife created this safety for me to be my most raw and wild self as I released everything I was holding onto. I felt so seen and so held as Ashley poured her presence and her love into the healing space. Her energy is so soft and grounded and I would love to work with her again in the future. Definitely recommend.

Alex Croxford

Monthly Themes/Topics:

  • Explore the sacred landscape of your yoni, uncovering the pathways to deep pleasure, self-awareness, and self-love. Learn to celebrate and understand your anatomy in a way that fosters profound connection to self.

  • As women, emotions dictate the landscape of our lives. Dive into the depths of your emotions, learning to navigate and embrace them with grace, choosing your emotional expression and honoring the story/message behind each one.

  • Awaken your inner energy and experience the powerful flow of Kundalini rising. Discover practices to ignite your life force, enhancing your vitality, magnetism, radiance, creativity, and spiritual connection.

  • Reconnect with the innocent, playful parts of yourself that hold the keys to your deepest healing, expansion, and bliss. Heal wounds as old as lifetimes and nurture your inner child to reclaim your full sense of worth and delight.

  • Unleash your authentic voice and express your true self with confidence and clarity. Embrace your power and creativity, allowing your unique essence to shine in every aspect of your life.

  • Cultivate a deep, embodied sense of pleasure that permeates your daily life. Learn to savor and celebrate all of life's big and small, expansive and contractive moments, making pleasure a regular and sacred practice.

  • Step into your role as a modern-day priestess, harnessing ancient wisdom and shamanic practices to initiate yourself so you can then initiate others. Connect with your spiritual lineage and embrace your sacred power and purpose.

  • You are the queen, yes. How does the queen establish and maintain healthy boundaries that honor her needs and desires? Learn to say no with grace and yes with conviction, creating a life that truly supports your sovereignty.

  • Tantalize your own inherent potential to expand and relax into orgasm by diving so deeply into your felt sense, experiencing pleasure that resonates throughout your entire being. Deepen your connection to your body and unlock new levels of orgasmic bliss.

  • Awaken your senses and experience the world with heightened awareness and delight. Embrace the sensuality of everyday moments, and through the awakening of your senses, awaken into your sensuality, your pleasure, your radiance, and your embodiment.

  • Explore the archetypes of the feminine, integrating their power, pleasure, radiance, wisdom, and strength into your everyday life.

  • Create a sanctuary of safety within yourself and radiating out from the core of you, allowing you to fully surrender to your own waves of bliss, joy, pleasure, and sensual expression, by yourself and with a partner. Cultivate trust and openness within, to experience deeper levels of platonic intimacy and connection with yourself and others, too.

Community Pricing


Full access to all calls and member-area materials

Community chat

Special discounts and first-to-know status

Cancel anytime



Full access to all calls and member-area materials

Community chat

Special discounts and first-to-know status

Two Bonuses!

2 months free

Entrance into Elevation w/all other yearly members

1x deep dive Elevation Session MaestraMind call per month*



  • Once you join, you'll receive a welcome email with all the details to get started, including access to our private WhatsApp chat and the schedule for our upcoming calls. You'll also get instant access to the membership area, where you will find some starter practices/rituals to begin your journey of connection to Self and Eros.

  • Our monthly temple night calls and community/group coaching calls are scheduled at the beginning of each month. We strive to find times that accommodate as many time zones as possible, as well as taking into consideration and not scheduling when most women have their moon blood. You'll be sent the calendar link for all of the calls we have scheduled once you sign up.

  • All live calls are recorded and shared within the community (temple nights are audio-only recordings), so you can watch/listen to them at your convenience. You can still benefit from the practices and insights, and engage with the community through our WhatsApp chat and weekly homeplay practices.

  • You'll receive continuous support through our WhatsApp chat, where you can connect with other members and ask questions. Ashley will be actively participating, offering guidance, answering questions, and providing inspiration to help you on your journey in the chat on specific days of the week. The group coaching calls are where you can bring your specific questions to chat about with Ash live. Feel free to email our team if you need more support, or book 1:1 calls with Ash using your member discount.

  • Yes, I open up two 1:1 coaching spots per month. If you're interested in deeper, personalized support, you can inquire about availability by contacting me directly or checking out the Pathway to Passion page.

  • We offer both monthly and annual payment options. If you choose the annual plan, you’ll receive 2 exclusive bonuses: access to an additional monthly call focused on deeper spiritual and tantric learning + 2 months free. If you want to pay for the yearly plan in installments, feel free to select Klarna or AfterPay at checkout.

  • If you sign up for the monthly or annual plan and you are not satisfied within the first month, you will receive a refund and your access to the materials will be discontinued. After the first month, all payments are non-refundable for both the annual or monthly payment options. You may cancel your monthly membership at any time but after your first month you will not receive any money back if you are not satisfied when you cancel.

  • Before the calls, ensure you have a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus without interruptions. A journal and pen are recommended for notes and reflections. For temple night calls, you might also want to have some candles, essential oils, massage oil/lube or any items that make you feel relaxed and connected. If you'd like to explore pleasure toys, I have a list in the member area of optional toys you can check out.

  • Entrance into Elevation w/all other yearly members is included as a bonus for signing up for the yearly membership.

    Elevation is a small group with her own small group chat for deeper connection + 1x deep dive Elevation Session MaestraMind call (like a MasterMind, but make it a vibe) per month. In these calls we will dive deeper into the spiritual, esoteric, and tantric studies of sensuality, sexuality, and Eros.

  • Absolutely! While our community is designed with mothers in mind, any woman seeking to reconnect with her pleasure, passion, and sensuality is welcome to join. The practices and teachings are beneficial for all women.

  • Our community is designed to offer ongoing support and connection, so we encourage continuous membership to fully benefit from the monthly themes and practices. However, you can join on a monthly basis and decide how long you’d like to stay, cancel at any time. We only release the themes for each month in the membership area and the community chat.

  • We understand that life happens. If you sign up for the annual plan and something comes up, please contact us directly to discuss your situation. We’ll work with you to find a suitable solution, whether it’s pausing your membership or adjusting your plan. <3

Kind Words:

Ashley S.:

Ashley is incredibly spiritually powerful and gifted. I’m so grateful for her. She helped me shift my whole life, I’m serious!


Ashley really is magic! Her tone and her soul are so healing. I’m incredibly grateful for her and the love she exudes. I’ve never met anyone like her before.

Ready to join us?

I really want to honor you for saying YES to yourself in this way (deep bow!), and for listening to that voice within that showed you your resonance with this pleasure that is calling you HOME.

Join The Erotic Mother Community and Reclaim Your Sensual Power Today, Mama!

This is a journey back to your true self, a remembrance of your innate power, and a celebration of your sensuality, all while forming some of the deepest sisterhood bonds of your life.

It’s a space where you can explore, heal, and transform, held by a community of sisters who are on the same path.

Begin your delicious journey of sensual empowerment with us today!